Version: 1.1.0


The @RefetchableFragment property wrapper is very similar to a @Fragment, but it supports refetching the latest data from the server on-demand.


import SwiftUI
import RelaySwiftUI
private let itemFragment = graphql("""
fragment ToDoItem_item on Item
@refetchable(queryName: "ToDoItemRefetchQuery") {
struct ToDoList: View {
@RefetchableFragment<ToDoItem_item> var item
var body: some View {
if let item = item {
HStack {
Image(systemName: item.complete ? "checkmark.square" : "square")
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "")


The fragment must have a @refetchable directive that names a query operation that will be generated to refetch the data for the fragment. Using @refetchable requires that the fragment be declared on Query, Viewer, or a type that implements the Node interface. Otherwise, Relay won't know where in the graph to fetch the new data from.

Property value#

The @RefetchableFragment property will be a read-only optional value with the fields the fragment requests. This value will automatically update and re-render the view when the Relay store updates any relevant records, including when the data is refetched.

The property value will also include a function to trigger the refresh:

  • refetch(_ variables: Variables? = nil): Function that can be called to trigger a refetch of the fragment's data. variables will be the variables for the refetch query that Relay generates for you. This may change which node the fragment is targetting from then on. That's okay: Relay will keep track of that for you, but be aware that it may not match the original fragment your view is passing in.